Occupy Medford
Attendance: 16 people / 3 new
Announcements / Discussions / Events / proposals
- Oregon Action is continuing their work on Ashland city moving their money to a local bank and on the Oregon state bank. They are getting agendas ready for January and will do a presentation at Occupy Medford on 1/7.
- Representative Walden will be interviewed by Jeffrey Riley of public radio (1230 AM) on January 10th.
- Suggested that prior to doing mic checks we might contact the parties in question to see if they will listen to us first.
- Suggested that we should do an email blast to find someone with accounting skills to assist Oregon Action.
- Citizens for Peace and Justice has an email list we could use to send to.
- Flash mobs – want to keep them confidential. Could do email blasts at last minute? Occupy group (Fiona) at SOU looking into doing them on campus. Consider doing them at businesses to draw positive attention.
- January 5th is the one month anniversary of the Medford 6 arrest. Also, their courthouse date. There will be a rally at the courthouse that day at 1:30 and a Peace House fundraiser at Roscoes at 6:30 pm.
- March 17th (TBD) march from Medford to Ashland. Bring awareness to Occupy and other movements. Will include food drive, signups, business support, etc. Plan it for a Sunday to arrive at Ashland’s meeting or meet midway?
- Check Occupy Vancouver for article on services.
- Do outreach by working with the soup kitchen at Hawthorne Park.
- Create historian position for Occupy Medford. Responsible for archiving minutes, essays, videos, etc.
- Deb will donate a sewing machine and external hard drive.
- The statement of intent is postponed until next GA.
- Foreclosure Action: 1) Need central message to organize around like “debt forgiveness” (jubilee). Robert is experienced in mortgage finance. He will teach a class on 1/7. Nick will talk to him more about this. 2) involve neighbors, 3) have attorney at the 1/7 class 4) Oregon is a non-judicial foreclosure state. Education Committee will work on the 1/7 presentations and invite other experts. Could create a bill/petition out of this. Combine this issue with canvassing.
- Canvassing: postpone for two weeks. We have the badges.
- January 30th 2:30 pm – class on how to do legal research. Law Library at court house.
- January 7th GA could be big – multiple presentations. Extend by one hour. Try to get large room. GA ok’d $25 for pizza.
- Christi will do a presentation on 1/7 re: Occupy Oregon website (?)
- Change meeting chair set up to look more inclusive – horseshoe.
- Nick will do a presentation on Occupy Medford website on 1/7.
- Need to purchase an exacto knife.
- Occupy website – ask people for their input. People want to be involved. Nick will add a page for this.
- Check into being under Oregon Action’s non-profit status. Would allow for tax deductible donations > $50. Mark will check with Alec at NWSW for his opinion. Angela will contact Oregon Action for details.
- January 2nd - Occupy themed workshop at Playback Improvisational Theatre in Ashland from 1:00 TO 4:00 pm - contact Fiona.
- Fuel Committee – work day on 12/28 from 9:00 am to 12:00pm corner of Eagle Mill Rd and Valley View.
- Action Committee: flash mobs need to be more focused and organized. Add mic checks. Do them every two weeks. Target other issues and locations – income disparity, banks, foreclosures etc. Could do a progressive flash mob moving from location to location.
- Outreach Committee: No combined Rogue Valley MLK meeting on 1/16. Ashland having their own event. Christi is contact person. Ben is finalizing the GA rules for next meeting.
- Education Committee: Nick working on foreclosure pamphlet.
- Finance Committee:1) create more transparency on the website; what is the money for, where is it going, etc. 2) add a page to website regarding finances, 3) use a Twitter feed, 4) sell baked goods, 4) email blast for donations, 5) Balance - $93 in NCCU, $70 in cash, $20 pending in WePay.
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