We are moving in to our second month, the coldest months yet in the Occupation. Much has been discussed and we have taken our organization to a sustainable level of organization and cooperation with our fellow organizations.
The Oregon State Bank is moving along in it's creation. Many organizations are putting a lot of effort in to making it a reality. In our neighborhood, Oregon Action is taking a major step towards changing the way the Rogue Valley thinks about community banking. In the near future they will be asking Ashland to bank locally, keeping the taxpayer's money in the local economy.
We are continuing to build a relationship with Occupy Ashland, hoping to eventually have a GA together every two weeks. Its in the works and we will continue to updated.
This week we will be holding GA in Alba Park as the Library room is booked for that day. GA will resume at the Library December 10th. In the future we will try to hold all GA meetings in the Library.
OccupyOregon.net is up and running. It is a social networking sight for Oregon Occupations. Check it out!
Rogue IMC is continuing to be a big support in the continuing efforts to awaken the Rogue Valley.
Saturday, December 3rd from 1-3 PM: Oregon Action will be hosting their third annual Carry On Awards. This event honors people and grassroots groups who have helped improved the conditions in the Rogue Valley. One such honoree will be Representative Buckley for his leadership in social justice. There will be food available and live music by the Rhythm Kings.
Thursday, December 1st at 7PM: City Council Meeting. Participate in your city's decisions.
Monday, December 5th at 12PM in Vogel Plaza: Occupy the Second Congressional District. An event held in solidarity with Occupy Bend, Occupy Medford, and Occupy Klamath Falls, among many others. It is an event to tell Representative Greg Walden he must represent the many and not the few. Mr. Walden doesn't hold Town Hall Meetings, among other issues, and must be accountable to his constituents.
Wednesday, December 14th: There will be a gathering for the Oregon Single Payer Health-care Campaign at the Ashland Unitarian Church. (87 4th St.) There will be a speaker from Vermont with the Vermont Workers Center whose 3 year campaign convinced Vermont Legislature to declare health-care is a human right. The presentation will be followed by break out groups for locals to get involved.
Personal Note:
My apologies for getting the GA post up so late. It was a very busy week and next week is finals. I will have more time starting Wednesday evening. Yay!
Also, thanks to Angela for getting such thorough notes!
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