Assembly Minutes
December 31st 2011
1). Open Forum:
Massachusetts is suing against
illegal foreclosures; look at this as an option to bring to Oregon State. If we
do choose to occupy foreclosed homes, we need to focus on how best to utilize
that time for maximum support and exposure, while we are there. Occupy Portland
had occupied a foreclosed home but were kicked out an hour later, not receiving
much attention for their work.
2). Pressing Issues:
continue to pay for it even if they cannot, taking loans against their house,
selling vehicles, cutting costs around any corner they can find to make ends
meet. We have realized we deserve better and there is something we can do. When
will you?
after Zuccoti parks occupation by the people, we still have not received
neither answer nor solution and we cannot rely on them (elite) to solve the
problems we have all let happen. It’s time to get our hands in local politics
to right the wrong we have let occur. Legislature opens in February, let’s get
General Attacks and Abuses
Against Consitution
passing of recent NDAA Bill (look it up) written by Sen. Levin and Sen. McCain,
limiting our freedom and placing us, the people, as a terrorist, with organic
farmers facing even more scrutiny by FDA, with unemployment continually rising,
we must put the beast on a leash or to death before all our freedoms are gone.
We need the peoples input.
3).Committee Reports:
January 7th Teach-In is going to be in the Medford Library's medium sized conference room from 12-4 PM. There will be 6 speakers with 10-15 minutes to speak and 5-10 minutes for questions and answers. Foreclosure research on hold until after the Teach-In.
We have
been approached asking if we would like to attend a joint action, to include
occupations from Oregon, in Salem early February for opening of Legislature. We
will contact other occupations for solidarity in action. We have formulated and
refined a pitch ready for canvassing. We will be doing a canvassing practice run
late this week. Thank you again NWSA for all your support and resources!
on mission statement. Rough draft goes like this...Objective is to create
organized and professional direct actions that draw attention and expound on knowledge
presented or affiliated with current focus of all committees with a focus on
the Education Committee. Action Committee will also assist in organizing
canvassing with Outreach. Assisting in eachothers endeavors creates a vested
interest through participation. Types of actions put forth by committee may
include and not limited to sit-ins, flash mobs, bake sales, petitions and general civil
dis-obedience. Action acting as a loud speaker for the peoples voice.
by laws have been written up and are waiting for approval for next GA. We have
$93 dollars in the bank. Some expenses we have paid for are printing costs for
flyers, white shirts, button making supplies, cork board for mapping out canvassing
areas and other items which will soon be up on website for true transparency.
If we cannot rust our banks, maybe the least we can do is be an example of how
we would like them to operate.
4). Proposals
Action in Salem
details to come at 7th GA. Rally in time for Legislature.
Armband – PASSED
signify brother/sisterhood in occupy movement. Green was synonymous with the
Arab uprising for real democracy. Green also symbolizes rebirth and renewal. We
are wearing ours, are you?
Jan 5th Medford City
Council Meeting 7pm – PASSED
We will attend to become familiar
with process at council meetings, gathering momentum for a formal proposal of
Occupy Medford to city council on January 19th 7pm.
Jan 19th 7pm Formal
Presentation of Occupy Medford to City Council PASSED
We will
attend and speak at council with a formal introduction and letter indicating
who/what we are, where we have been and where we intend on going.
5). Upcoming Events
Jan 5th - Legal Advice
Meeting 5:30 @ NSWA
Jan 10th - Walden
Speaking on JPR
Jan 11th – Women in Black
Rally @ Vogel Plaza 12-1
Jan 12th – Oregon Action
– Divestment/State Bank
Building 6:00 PM
Jan 14th – MLK Speech @
NSWA 4pm
Jan 16th – Occupy Ashland
MLK day 10-12pm (?)
Lithia Plaza
Jan 15th – MLK Day Event
in Medford
comes a time when silence becomes betrayal**
go gettem occupies around the world!