Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25th - Black Friday and the Work Ahead


Woman pepper sprays other Black Friday shoppers 'to gain an upper hand'...

'Competitive shopping' turns into chaos...

'Girls Punching Each Other' Over Yoga Pants Sale at Victoria's Secret...

VIDEO: Mayhem over $2 waffle maker...

Two women injured in brawl...

Woman shot, robbed in SC after midnight shopping trip to WALMART...

NC police use pepper spray to break up melee...


Grandfather smashed to ground as he tried to protect grandson from crowd...

Police taser WALMART customer...


These headlines are a rude way of America telling us in the Occupy Movement that we have a hell of a long way to go before they are ready to wake up and support a good world. For people to act this over unnecessary material goods is despicable.

In saying this I'm not degrading the act of giving someone a gift or 2 during this time of the year, there is never anything wrong with doing good unto others. Yet, it seems year after year I witness headlines like this...and nothing changes. The companies who do the most harm in the world through bad business practice and resource wasting are also the ones that cause these brawls, injuries, and deaths every year during the holiday season.

It should be a point over the course of the next year for the Occupy Movement to change the way Americans shop. Encourage local buying, encourage local farming, program applications which will assist the lay-person in making smart purchases for their community. Every profession which occupies has a niche purpose they can serve in every aspect of the Occupy Movement, be sure you are creative in whatever you do. We've got one hell of a road ahead of us.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 20th - A Call to Action

To our dearest compatriots here in the Rogue Valley:

We understand you need some clarification as to what the Occupy Movement is about. Contrary to what the media would have you believe, we are not all hippies, druggies, or anarchists. In fact, very few…say…1% of us are.

November 20th - Can You Feel It?

The air is alive with the power of the people. It buzzes with the voice of millions who have had enough. Our time has come.

In New York City, 30,000 plus people rallied after Bloomberg's vindictive eviction of Zuccoti Park. But New York isn't the only place people have rallied in the past few days. Miami, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Canadian cities, Cairo, Athens, and many others have all rallied to show their anger, their awareness, and their overall impatience with the elite in this beautiful world.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 19th - Occupy Medford in Alba Park

About 20 people showed up to today’s cold and windy General Assembly in Alba Park. Starting with open discussion and announcements, Debbie Herzogh invites us to join in a protest dubbed Occupy Rural Oregon in regards to Representative Walden’s failures in communicating with his constituents. It was motioned and passed to support the protests through web awareness and Occupy Medford’s presence.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 5th - Occupy Medford in Alba Park (Week 4)

November 5th marks Occupy Medford's 4th week in Alba Park. Over the course of these 4 weeks, we have had many great discussions, planned about 9 events outside of GA meetings, and made many friends. We have attracted roughly 3-4 new people  each meeting, and our core number has steadily grown, albeit slowly.

For these first few weeks we have focused mainly on public education through sign's and a presence in high traffic areas which focus on moving your money (Bank Transfer Day/Move Your Money) from the major banks which have betrayed the American Dream, to our local bank and credit unions which will help recreate the American Dream in our own back yard.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3rd - Drudge Headlines

I woke up this morning and as usual checked the Drudge Report first as it is a quick way to see a plethora of varied news. The headlines of course were about yesterday's Occupy Movement, the general strike, and how the Anarchists are once again trying to destroy anyone's hope of being taken seriously. But alas, there was instant irony in a following headline and in some headlines not much further down the page. Check this out!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The New Common Sense

In Unity,


A Declaration of INTERDEPENDENCE, born of necessity, from and for the collective conscience of the "99%" to and for the oligarchic "1%" of the United States of America.


SECTION I: The Right to Equal Participation in Government has been taken from the People and is explained. -- A Plan is offered to restore the Right to Equal Participation that requires only the use of tools and procedures that have already been proven to work. -- The restoration of Equality must take priority above all and reasons are given. -- Outside damaging influences must no longer be allowed privileged access to Elected Representatives in a Constitutional Republic. -- An Offer in Compromise that would reunite this Nation with its Foundation is clearly stated. -- A clear, workable and simple method by which we may rebuild ourselves as a Prosperous Nation and return to being One Hundred Percent is explained. -- A New Litmus Test of our government is declared and explained. -- A plan and petition to rebalance the Branches of Government is outlined in detail.

SECTION II: Monitions are forwarded to our Leaders, to the Congress in specific, to the Media, to Law Enforcement and the Domestic Militia, and to the "1%" -- A direct message and plea for the "99%" from the author(s).